
DBMI Grand Rounds Fall 2024 Schedule

The DBMI Grand Rounds Fall 2024 (August 28-December 4, 2024) schedule is now available. Each Grand Rounds event will take place in 2525 West End Avenue, Room 8110 (unless otherwise noted). Microsoft Teams links are available for remote attendees. 

Novel Approach to Safeguard Patient Data included among NSF-led National AI Research Resource Pilot

The US National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy recently announced that a team comprised of Vanderbilt's newly created ADVANCE Center and VALIANT lab is among the first round of 35 projects that will be supported with computational time through the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot. The NAIRR Pilot—the results of a recent Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI—will provide AI researchers and students access to key AI resources and data. 

VU's Wond’ry Launches First Faculty BioMedical Ideator Cohort to Foster Medical Entrepreneurship

The Wond'ry recently hosted its first Faculty BioMedical Ideator cohort. The program curriculum was based around the Sullivan Family Ideator Program, which helps aspiring university-affiliated innovators (students, staff, faculty and alumni) evaluate and develop their ideas by teaching an evidence-based approach to idea evaluation and offering expert mentorship and access to resources. 

Clinical Alert Technology Meets the Digital Divide (ft. Brian Douthit)

A literature review by Vanderbilt University Medical School researchers has identified barriers that make clinical decision support (CDS) systems less effective for some patients, especially those without the necessary technological skills and equipment. CDS systems involve technology that can assist in diagnoses or be used to alert providers, for example to a patient’s negative drug interactions, through automated alerts and reminders.

Chatbot Weighs in for Clinical Decision Support (ft. Siru Liu)

An artificial intelligence tool can provide meaningful input on cases by optimizing information for clinical decision support (CDS), according to research by biomedical informatics and computer science specialist Siru Liu, Ph.D., and colleagues. CDS alerts provide important data to physicians about their patients, including details such as drug-drug interactions and best practices based on individual characteristics. 

VUMC joins new consortium of health care leaders in formation of Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN)

New artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities have the potential to transform the health care industry by enabling better outcomes, improving efficiency and productivity, and reducing costs. At the HIMSS 2024 Global Health Conference, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and other leading academic medical centers joined as Microsoft announced the formation of a new consortium, the Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN).