REU Students Get Recognition

Jessica Chen, one of our 2018 REU students mentored by Adi Bejan, had a poster accepted to the 2019 AMIA Informatics Summit. Abel Ermias, MLK graduate now at Lipscomb and also funded on our REU grant, is a second author on the poster. Congratulations to Adi and team, great work! The poster title is "Using Clinical Notes to Assess the Exposure of Tobacco and Alcohol Use in the Electronic Health Record.”

Tiffany Wu, a 2018 REU student mentored by Jeremy Warner, had an abstract accepted to the 2019 Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM, a conference hosted by the AAAS and the NSF. Congratulations to Jeremy, Tiffany, and the additional co-authors on the submission (Elizabeth Sigworth, Xuanyi Li, Sam Rubinstein). The abstract title is “A pan-cancer authorship network analysis.”

Great work to both Adi and Jeremy on mentoring these students!